Why Choose Getting Attention?

As a nonprofit, you’ve got a lot of options to manage your Google Ad Grant, from college interns to full-time employees.

With all these options, a common question we hear is “Why is Getting Attention the best choice to manage the Google Ad Grant?”

We’re going to cover the four most common reasons nonprofits choose us:

  • We’re more experienced
  • We’re more affordable
  • We focus on the right things
  • We offer a seamless client experience

Experienced account team

We hire from all over the world, which lets us draw from a bigger talent pool. In fact, everyone who works on our client accounts has worked at Google and has 5 or more years of experience!

Other Google Ad Grant managers put US-based staff on your account who have two or fewer years of experience managing campaigns, meaning they learn on your dime.

By working with a global team, we’re able to staff Getting Attention engagements with experienced account managers.

This means that no matter what Google throws at us, you can rest assured that your Getting Attention account manager has seen it before and will know what to do.

We hear great reviews from clients — our average customer satisfaction score is a 9.82. Check out some testimonials from happy clients:

Affordable Ad Grant management

As a nonprofit, your budget is always top of mind. It can be challenging to find high-quality marketing engagements that fit into the budget.

We believe a professionally run Google Ad Grant account should be accessible for organizations of any size, which is why we keep our prices low at just $600 per month.

By working with experts from around the world, Getting Attention facilitates win-win marketing engagements, allowing organizations to get better service at a lower cost than a full-time employee or standard marketing agency.


We know that your conversions – those meaningful actions such as a newsletter signup or a volunteer form submission – are the most important indicators of marketing success with the Google Ad Grant.

We work with your organization to determine what your conversion goals are, and how we can best support and measure progress toward them using the Ad Grant.

Other Ad Grant managers focus first on maximizing the Grant spend.

While this is an important goal, it’s easy to spend the Grant going after the wrong audience and end up without any meaningful progress toward your organization’s goals.

By putting client goals first, we ensure that our engagements are bringing in the right audience to push your mission forward.

Easy to manage client experience

We work with your team to strike the right balance for communication so you stay in the loop and free up your time for advancing your mission.

The typical Getting Attention client only requires about 30 minutes per month to understand what’s going on in the Ad Grant account, how the strategy is progressing, and what the next steps are.

Need to chat more about a big upcoming initiative?

We’re happy to coordinate with your team to make sure you have a great experience and that your Ad Grant is working as hard as possible for you.