This article explores what makes a great Google Grant Agency and provides recommendations for top consultants.

A Great Google Grant Agency in 2024: 10 Best Partners

Google is the world’s most popular search engine, fielding at least 8.5 billion searches per day. That’s 8.5 billion reasons nonprofits should take advantage of the Google Ad Grant program, which gives $10,000 worth of ad credits to eligible organizations every month to create ads on Google.

Ad campaigns require consistent upkeep, performance tracking, and compliance with Google’s official account requirements. That’s why we recommend working with a certified Google Grant agency.

Professional Google Ad Grant agencies devote their time to researching the program’s compliance requirements, mastering the application process, proactively researching the best keywords, and making the most of each nonprofit’s grant money. Plus, agencies that are Google Partners have a seal of approval you know you can trust.

To ensure you partner with the right agency, this guide will walk through:

  1. What Is A Google Grant Agency?
  2. What is Google Grant Management?
  3. What is a Google Partner?
  4. The Benefits of Hiring a Professional For Google Grant Management
  5. How to Hire a Google Ad Grant Agency
  6. 10 Best Google Ad Grant Agencies
  7. Next Steps for Your Google Grant Strategy

Here at Getting Attention, we work alongside nonprofits to get their accounts approved and maximize their campaigns’ performance. As a Google Grant agency, we believe in the power that effective Google Grant management holds for nonprofits. Let’s get started so you can partner with the right Google Ad Grant manager.

Discover how you can put your $10,000 in Google ad credits to good use. Sign up for our newsletter!

What Is A Google Grant Agency?

A Google Grant agency is a business composed of experts that help nonprofits manage their Google Ads accounts. A professional agency will handle many aspects of Google Grant management, including:

  • Eligibility confirmation: An agency’s experts know everything about the eligibility requirements your nonprofit must meet and can ensure you qualify for the program.
  • Program applications: A Google Ad Grants professional can complete the application on behalf of your organization.
  • Keyword research: Unlike general marketing agencies, Google Ad Grant professionals are experts in keyword research, helping you get your ads in front of the right audience with targeted keywords.
  • Ad creation: When it comes to actual ad construction, Google Grant agencies can create well-written ads using keyword research and features like ad extensions to effectively drive conversions.
  • Compliance with the program’s rules: A grant manager will ensure your nonprofit meets the program’s extremely specific requirements and guidelines.
  • Account reactivation if needed: Failing to comply with the program’s rules can result in account suspension. Should this happen, a Grant agency will work to reactivate your account as quickly as possible.

Overall, the professional’s goal is to help each nonprofit build awareness for its cause and create high-converting campaigns that are meaningful to the organization’s work.

Some Google Ad Grant agencies are officially recognized by Google and have earned the title of Google Partner. While some start-up agencies that have yet to earn this designation may be worth exploring, Google-certified organizations have already proven their ability to maintain high-quality ad campaigns. When considering agencies, check to see if they’re a Google Partner.

What is Google Grant Management?

Before speaking with or even researching specific agencies, you must understand the actual services that Google Grant management entails. That way, you can determine the areas in which you need help and confidently enter your conversations with agencies.

Partner with a Google Grants agency for help with grant compliance, application, and account management.

Google Grant Application

If you don’t already have your account set up, a Google Grant agency can help you get started by checking your eligibility and guiding you through the application process. These are the application requirements they can help with:

This graphic shows the Google Grant requirements an agency can manage for your nonprofit.

  • Creating a Google for Nonprofits account: This account is necessary for Google Grants and also provides access to services like Google Workspace for Nonprofits and the YouTube Nonprofit Program.
  • Registering with Percent: As part of signing up for Google for Nonprofits, you’ll have the ability to register your nonprofit with Google’s technology partner, Percent. Follow the steps on Google for Nonprofits, and Google will submit your application for you.
  • Installing Google Analytics on your website: Google Analytics is essential for not only your own data tracking purposes, but it’s also a requirement that all websites need prior to applying.
  • Ensuring your website has valuable and promotable content: A Google Grant agency can assist in optimizing your web presence and online content. That way, your website will be ready to submit for review and remain eligible for the program.
  • Holding current and valid charity status: If your organization is based in the United States, you’ll need a current 501(c)(3) status to receive the Google Grant. The right Google Ad Grant agency can make sure that your documents and registrations are all up to date.
  • Obtaining a valid SSL certificate: You’ll need a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to authenticate your website’s identity and enable an encrypted connection.
  • Agreeing to Google Nonprofit Terms: To apply for a Google Grant, nonprofits need to agree and comply with Google’s Nonprofit Terms of Service. Google Grants agencies can walk through the terms and ensure that their clients know exactly what they’re signing up for.

If your nonprofit organization holds valid charity status and your website is well-developed, then you’ll most likely get the Google Grant. Work with a Google Grant agency to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks and that the application process goes smoothly.

Google Grant Account Management

Compared to other marketing channels, search ads have the highest return on investment (ROI) for nonprofits using paid advertising, meaning the impact of the Google Ad Grant goes far beyond simply being approved for the program. To help you make the most of your allotted $10,000 each month and strengthen your marketing, a Google Grant agency will offer the following account management services:

This graphic shows the five account management services offered by a Google Grant agency.

  • Create, maintain, and optimize ad campaigns: Ideally, a healthy Google Grant account has 3-5 active campaigns to drive results. An expert will track these campaigns, report their performance, and refine your online content to improve your ads continuously. They can even provide reports with data from Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager so that you can get a sense of your goal progress in real time.
  • Maintain account hygiene: A Google Grant agency will carry out data hygiene best practices, eliminating outdated and unnecessary data hindering your work.
  • Optimize online website content: As your Google Grants account matures, you’ll need to create or update content to serve your audience’s needs. A Google Grant agency will research keywords that are relevant to your mission and may make suggestions to improve your landing pages to drive online traffic and conversions.
  • Consistently check up on your account: Maintaining your account is an ongoing process. A Google Ad Grant agency will consistently check in with your performance to ensure your campaigns are doing all they can to promote your cause and increase target actions.
  • Get your account reactivated and compliant: Managing a Google Ad Grants account can be confusing, and account suspensions do happen. If your account is suspended, partnering with a professional who knows the ins and outs of Google Grant compliance is your smartest option.

Managing your campaigns can be difficult, especially when you have other projects to juggle and events to plan for your organization. Your Google Ad Grant manager knows how to use it to drive conversions and see measurable results for your organization.

Google Grant Compliance

One of the most important roles of a Google Grant agency is to keep nonprofits’ accounts in compliance with the program’s guidelines. Google revisits and updates its policies from time to time, so the official compliance page will be your best bet if you want to check up on the rules.

Here are some of the most important requirements that a Google Ad Grant manager will handle for you:

This graphic shows the important requirements that a Google Grant Agency handles for nonprofits.

  • Keyword rules: To comply with Google’s Ad Grant guidelines, an agency will help your nonprofit avoid single-word and overly generic keywords that ignore the searcher’s intent. They’ll research and choose keywords with quality scores higher than two in accordance with Google’s requirements.
  • Data regulations: A Google Grant manager will keep an eye on your click-through rate (CTR), which must be at least 5%, according to Google’s program rules. They’ll also set up conversion tracking, monitor your performance, and make adjustments to ensure you’re meeting the minimum of one conversion per month.
  • Account structure guidelines: An agency will make sure your account follows the right structure, which requires two ads per ad group and at least two ad groups per campaign. They’ll also ensure you have at least two sitelink ad extensions and respond to the annual program survey.

Bottom line: A Google Grant agency will keep your Ad Grant account in check and fully compliant, even as Google updates its rules. Make sure the Google Ad Grant manager you partner with is able to support your needs as your account grows and evolves.

What is a Google Partner?

Any marketing agency can offer Google Ad Grant assistance. However, while there are some promising startup organizations that can provide high-quality service, nonprofits can ensure their Ad Grant account is in good hands by working with a certified Google Partner.

Google Partners are agencies that manage Google Ad Grants that Google has recognized as producing legitimate, quality work. These organizations are not run by Google, but the program does provide them with additional support to ensure their clients continue receiving unparalleled service.

Most Google Ad agencies will make it clear on their website that they are a Google Partner. However, if you want to only look at Google Partners, explore Google’s Partner Directory. Apply filters to find agencies that are near you and have the right level of certification, or enter the name of an organization you’re already considering to check if they’re a partner.

On our list of recommended Google Grant agencies, we have a mix of certified partners, like our own organization Getting Attention, as well as consultants that provide worthwhile services but have yet to enter the partner program.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional for Google Grant Management

Partnering with a professional will drastically enhance your Google Ad capabilities. Especially when you hire an agency that’s Google-certified, you can rely on them to pick the best keywords for your cause and generate high-converting ads. Ultimately, they’ll empower you to make the most of your grant money and put your ads in front of likely prospects.

Here are some of the core benefits you should expect:

This graphic shows the core benefits a nonprofit can expect from working with a Google Grant agency.

  • Fast setup. An agency will not only handle the entire application process for the Ad Grant program but also will get your ads up and running as soon as your account is approved.
  • Ongoing optimization. A Google Grant agency will have keen insight into campaign creation and maintenance best practices. After your ads have been up and running for a while, these professionals will review the data, pinpoint potential improvements, and then implement those optimizations.
  • Clear reporting. Even if you work with data daily, understanding your ad campaigns’ performance results can be tricky. A Google Ad Grant manager will interpret this data for you, making sure you understand what’s going well and what can be improved.

These professionals have in-depth knowledge of the program’s requirements, features, and tools, so you can spend your time focusing on other areas of your nonprofit. All in all, partnering with a Google Ad Grant agency can be incredibly beneficial, as long as you spend time choosing the right one for your team!

How to Hire a Google Ad Grant Agency

To unlock the benefits of a grant manager, hiring a knowledgeable Google Grant agency is essential. Start your search by following the three stages of the hiring process:

This graphic shows the three stages of the Google Grant agency hiring process.

  1. Criteria search: Find an agency that meets your nonprofit’s preferred criteria, such as Google Ad Grant specialization, a fair pricing model, and Google Partner status. Explore different agencies’ websites to find out more about their services, case studies, and reviews.
  2. Consultation: Meet with prospective agencies to learn more about their services. Prepare a list of important questions ahead of time, such as inquiries about the agency’s communications, certifications, and willingness to help beyond their traditional offerings.
  3. Hiring: Narrow down your search to the top selection of potential agencies. Once you’ve made your choice, hire the agency that best fits your nonprofit’s needs!

Above all else, prioritize a Google Grant agency’s Ad Grant program knowledge, services, and professionalism. In turn, you’ll wind up with a professional who acts as an extension of your team.

10+ Best Google Ad Grant Agencies

Whenever you outsource work to an agency, it’s important that you explore your options before signing a contract. That way, you’ll wind up with one that’s the best possible fit for your organization and needs. While you can certainly do the digging on your own, here are 10 Google Grant agencies that we’d recommend to kickstart your search.

Getting Attention is a Google Grants agency that solely focuses on the Google Ad Grants program.

1. Getting Attention | Best All-Around Google Grants Agency

Here at Getting Attention, we specialize in Google Ad Grants and are a proud Google Partner. Our team is made up of professionals who know what it takes to develop campaigns that drive real results for your cause, no matter if you’re just getting started or already have active campaigns.

We don’t just quickly review your account and offer some tips. Our team partners closely with yours to fully understand your mission, who your nonprofit serves, and how you can drive meaningful conversions.

Here’s how we can help you make the most of your grant money:

  • Google Grant application. Don’t worry about forgetting something in your application. Our experts are here to manage every step to ensure that your account is reviewed and accepted!
  • Google Grant hygiene. When it comes to your Google Grant account, data is everything. With our Google Grant agency’s help, you’ll never have to deal with duplicate or outdated data bogging down your processes.
  • Keyword research. A big part of a healthy Google Ads account is determining what your users are searching for online. That’s why keyword research is one of our main skills. We’ll make sure your website content effectively serves your audience’s needs and inspires them to take action.
  • Reporting and goal tracking. Tracking conversions and campaign performance is an ongoing process for Google Grant account holders. Not only will we stay on top of reporting, but we can also pinpoint the most useful opportunities and goals for your nonprofit.
  • Google Grant reactivation. We know that getting your Google Grant account suspended isn’t ideal. If your account was deactivated, we can help you get it up to code and make sure it stays that way.

Getting Started with Getting Attention

Our experts are fully committed to helping you develop inspiring ad campaigns. Plus, we aim to be fully transparent in our pricing, which is why we don’t charge any upfront fees and will help you manage your Google Ad Grants account for only $600 per month.

Get a free consultation, so we can chat about how we can help your nonprofit grow through powerful Google Ad Grant management. Don’t see a Google Grants service on our website that you need? We’re open to chatting about our experience in other areas to help you make the most of your campaigns!

Skip the hard work and let our team manage your Ad Grant for you. Get a free consultation.

Nonprofits Source header.

2. Nonprofit Source | Best Google Grants Agency for Information

When it comes to the Google Ad Grant, if you’re starting at square one, the most important thing you need is information. Nonprofits Source provides marketing assistance to charitable organizations looking to grow their online impact, but where it really shines is its host of free educational information.

While they offer general digital marketing services and don’t manage Ad Grant accounts, you can learn a lot about the Ad Grant program from them. Scroll through the Nonprofits Source blog to find detailed information about nearly every aspect of the Google Ad Grant, including:

  • Program overview. Need a basic rundown of how the Google Ad Grant works? Nonprofits Source has information on what the Ad Grant is, applying, choosing keywords, and maintaining a successful and compliant account long-term.
  • How to hire a Google Grant Agency. If you want a second opinion on how to hire a Google Ad Grant manager, Nonprofits Source has got you covered. They have articles look in-depth at what grant managers do, why you need one, and how to assess their qualifications.
  • Microsoft Ad Grant. If you’re interested in expanding into the Microsoft Ad Grant once the program starts up again, Nonprofits Source has the information you need to learn about the program and hit the ground running.

Check out Nonprofits Source’s blog to learn more about the Google Ad Grant and partner with them to expand your online presence.

DNL OmniMedia is a professional nonprofit technology and Google Grants manager.

3. DNL OmniMedia | Best Google Grants Agency for Nonprofit Technology

DNL OmniMedia is a well-known nonprofit technology consultant. While it’s not their sole purpose, their offerings also include Google Grant services. They’ll help you with the following:

  • Keyword strategy development. They’ll help you target terms that are central to your mission and connect with likely prospects.
  • Analytic management. They’ll create custom reports that make sense for your campaigns’ priorities.
  • Website development. Powered by skilled developers, DNL OmniMedia can help you communicate your cause and drive conversions through your website.

Start by researching DNL OmniMedia’s other offerings to see how they can optimize other areas of your nonprofit’s technology strategy!

RKD Digital is a Google Grants agency that will help you develop a holistic marketing strategy.

4. RKD Digital | Best Google Ad Grant Agency for Digital Marketing

As the first full-service direct-response company to be added to the Google Grant Certified Professional Community, RKD Digital works with nonprofits to produce effective marketing strategies. They’ll help you reimagine what marketing looks like with Google Grants services, such as:

  • Account activation. They’ll handle every part of the application process, from securing validation tokens to filling out relevant applications.
  • Campaign and ad creation. RKD Digital will build high-level campaigns that follow Google’s required account structure. They’ll even write the ad copy for you!
  • Holistic strategy development. They’ll help you determine how Google Ad Grants fit into your multichannel marketing strategy, so you can intertwine your efforts and achieve your conversion goals.

If this agency sounds like a good fit, check out their website to learn more about their approach to Google Ad Grant management. You can also dive into some of their other digital marketing services before contacting their team!

Check out Allegiance Group, an experience Google Ad Grants agency for nonprofits and associations.

5. Allegiance Group | Best Google Grants Agency for Fundraising

Allegiance Group is a full-service firm that combines fundraising, marketing, and technology, so their nonprofit clients can inspire action and make an impact. They’ll help you harness the power of the Google Ad Grant with the following services:

  • Ad creation. Allegiance Group will craft the copy for your Google Ad campaigns, monitor your ads, and make adjustments based on the metrics it generates.
  • Form optimization. They’ll optimize your landing pages by developing custom forms and surveys that you can promote with Google Ads.
  • Custom reporting. They’ll develop custom implementations of Google Analytics for your team, delivering insightful reports and granting you access to real-time dashboards. You’ll get critical metrics, data interpretations, and recommendations for your next campaign.

Explore Allegiance Group’s website to learn more about how they’ll enable you to intertwine your digital fundraising and marketing efforts through the Google Ad Grant.

WebFX is another great Google Grants agency, even though they primarily serve businesses.

6. WebFX | Best Google Grants Agency for NGOs

While their primary focus is on businesses, WebFX empowers NGOs to take advantage of Google Ad Grants and is even part of the Certified Partner Directory. As a leader in SEO, PPC, social, and web design services, they provide offerings like:

  • Industry analysis. They’ll analyze the current SEO landscape of your industry to determine what content your prospects are searching for online.
  • Ad copy and performance testing. They’ll handle the copywriting and monitor your campaigns’ performance to determine what drives users to engage with those ads.
  • Google Analytics tracking. They’ll make sure you set up goal tracking in compliance with the program’s guidelines.

WebFX is backed by a team of experts to help you make the most of your SEO strategy. Take a look at their website to learn more about their digital marketing services to make sure they align with your nonprofit’s needs.

Digital Ninjas is an Australian-based Google Ad Grants agency.

7. Digital Ninjas | Best Google Grants Agency for Advocacy Organizations

Digital Ninjas is a professional consulting firm that helps nonprofits drive greater fundraising and advocacy results through digital campaigns. Their services dedicated to Google Ad Grant management and organic search include:

  • Google Analytics. These experts will measure the metrics that matter most to your organization within Google Analytics.
  • Ad copy development. They’ll develop high-quality ads using your organization’s brand voice and goals.
  • Account development. Once they’ve pinpointed the right keywords and gotten the ad copy approved, they’ll build out your account and make sure everything’s ready to go.

Check out their website to learn how Digital Ninjas can make your search engine marketing (SEM) endeavors a breeze.

Uprise Up is a Google Grants agency located in the U.K.

8. Uprise Up | Best Google Grants Agencies for UK-Based Organizations

Located in the United Kingdom, Uprise Up is a data-driven digital media agency. As part of their relentless endeavor to further social good, they offer Google Ad Grant management services to nonprofits, including:

  • Account testing. Uprise Up will run your account through its Ad Grant policy checker to make sure you’re always adhering to the rules. They’ll also continually test your campaigns’ results to make sure they’re driving qualified prospects to your site.
  • Future-proofing. As a certified partner, Uprise Up is on top of the program’s requirements and will respond to any new algorithm changes as soon as they hear about them.
  • Compliance. This agency uses automated scripts to continually check that your account adheres to the policies. If anything is flagged, they’ll make the necessary adjustments to your account.

As one of the few UK-based Google Grant agencies, Uprise Up is a great choice for UK organizations. Before reaching out, take a look at their website to learn more about their work.

Koios is a Google Grants agency that works with libraries.

9. Koios | Best Google Grants Agency for Libraries

With a sole focus on libraries, Koios empowers its clients to make their library’s resources more discoverable online. The agency helps libraries take advantage of the Google Ad Grant program through management services like:

  • Google Grant application. Their team will set up your Google for Nonprofits and Google Ads accounts. If Google turns down your application, they’ll follow the instructions provided to reapply.
  • Ad optimization. Koios will monitor your campaigns and make sure you’re driving meaningful conversions. They even boast an average 12.8% CTR, which is well above the industry average of 3%.
  • Catalog awareness. They’ll help expose catalog records through your ads that would otherwise be invisible to Google.

Koios offers a 60-day free trial, so you can see what it’s like working with their experts. Before reaching out, explore their website to learn more about what they can do for you.

INTK is a Google Grants agency that works specifically with cultural organizations.

10. INTK | Best Google Grants Agency for Cultural Organizations

INTK works exclusively with cultural organizations, such as museums and performing arts centers, to generate awareness through targeted ads on relevant search results pages. Here are some of the core services they offer:

  • Google Grant application. INTK has a 99% success rate with Google Grant applications. On the off chance that your account isn’t approved, they’ll take the appropriate steps to ensure it is.
  • Campaign creation and maintenance. They’ll help you get your campaigns up and running. Then, they’ll perform monthly maintenance to ensure everything’s in line.
  • Website design. While separate from their Google Ad Grant management services, INTK also offers web design and development. They’ll create a website unique to your industry so you can develop valuable content to promote through your Google Ads.

INTK is certified by Google and has direct access to the Google Ad Grants team, which means they’re in the loop with the latest changes in the program’s compliance requirements. Take a look at their website to learn more about their approach.

Platypus Digital's Google Grants agency is a reliable choice for any nonprofit.

11. Platypus Digital | Best Google Grants Agency for Multichannel Strategies

Platypus Digital is a leading digital marketing agency for charities. With expert Google Ad Grant management, they’ll help you increase brand awareness and connect with motivated supporters through services like:

  • Compliance audits. They’ll analyze your account and walk you through the exact changes you need to make to be in line with Google’s requirements.
  • Up-to-date reporting. They’ll report your performance through Google Data Studio dashboards. They’ll also send you regular emails and scheduled reporting calls where they walk you through the results.
  • Multichannel strategy development. They’ll also manage paid Google Ads and GrantsPro accounts. Plus, they’ll run search, display, YouTube, and shopping ads.

If you think Platypus Digital would be a good fit for your organization, explore their website to learn more about their Google Grant services.

Next Steps for Your Google Grant Strategy

When it comes to starting your nonprofit’s online marketing on the right foot, the Google Ad Grant is your answer. However, applying for and maintaining your account is no walk in the park. Turning to a professional Google Grant agency, like Getting Attention, is your best bet.

While we shared several recommendations, Getting Attention is the only Google-certified full-service agency that focuses solely on Google Ad Grants. We’ll handle every aspect of your account, starting with eligibility confirmation through ongoing maintenance. In no time, you’ll start driving more conversions, connecting with more prospects, and generating great results for your cause!

Are you interested in learning more about Google Ad Grants or marketing your mission effectively? Explore these great additional resources:

Get clicks and get support with a Google Grant agency. Discover what Getting Attention can do for your nonprofit's online presence. Get a free consultation!